Thoughts on shower rooms in lofts

A shower room is not necessarily the first thing that somebody thinks of when they are considering a loft conversion. Nonetheless, installing such an amenity can be a positive move for a

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Loft conversions and design options

A loft conversion can be a lucrative choice for a homeowner in a variety of different situations. However, the potential benefits of a conversion will only be maximised if

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Positive aspects of garage conversions

Every garage conversion is different, but people have them done for similar reasons. If a conversion is designed properly and implemented by experienced builders, it should have a range of positive outcomes for the

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The major advantages of a loft extension

Creating a loft extension can be a productive undertaking. Clearly, not every homeowner requires one, but nonetheless there are some specific benefits associated with this kind of house improvement. Clarity about what these advantages are […]

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Contemporary varieties of home extension

There are quite a few types of extensions these days. Not everybody is aware of all the alternatives to a conservatory, while other people do not know that there are several distinctive varieties with qualities […]

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Adding a floor: how loft conversions can be productive

British house prices may seem high to some homeowners – a fact that can deter people from relocating to larger properties. A loft conversion may add value to a house, or it can mean that […]

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DIY mistakes can be expensive

While it can be a great hobby, if people are not really careful with DIY they can end up out of pocket. Inexperienced individuals may even injure themselves by undertaking projects far

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Self-building: understanding a complex process

There is no consensus about the definition of a self-build. However, in the UK context, the term does not mean that the person responsible for the project is obliged to undertake all the construction work […]

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How renovations can add value to your home

If you are considering home improvements, it is likely you are eager to make sure that they will add value to the house, as well as make it a better place to be. As much […]

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