Thousands of additional homes could be planned in South Cheshire, says the Crewe Chronicle.
Cheshire East Council is reviewing how many homes the county will need by the year 2030 while developers are continuing to reveal plans for thousands more homes in the borough. If plans go ahead, there will be a great increase in home conversions in Cheshire over the next 17 years.
Residents will be asked about potential sites for the homes within the next few weeks.
The council has said that the move is a precaution in order to protect the area against legal issues as well as to ensure that every possible site has been reviewed.
Michael Jones asked campaign groups to make their voices heard, in a letter to the Chronicle, where he expressed how surprised he was at the sheer number of sites from Wchywood Park and Sandbach to Wistaston in Crewe and wants residents from the areas who are being consulted to speak out. He said:
“As we gather momentum to completing our Local Plan Core Strategy and our five-year supply, developers are rushing to bring in sites purely to land bank, something I am on the record to say I find immoral.”
Jones is asking for petitions which he feels that cumulatively, they could use in order to for a debate in parliament, but it appears that the council is keen to press ahead with the plans, which it believes will address the expected growth and need for housing in the area.